Super Quick Black Bean Tostada


My sad history with Mexican food:

  • When hubby and I got married I greatly disliked it….greatly! It was kind of a joke between us and his friends….whenever they hung out they would go to a Mexican restaurant so that my hubby could enjoy one of his favorite foods. 🙂
  • I went to Mexico once in college and once the year after on mission trips. With my great dislike for Mexican food, I remember seeing a Pizza Hut and being so excited that I could finally get some good food. I am embarrassed to admit that fact, and doubly embarrassed to admit that I shed a tear or two (or many) at the fact that I had to eat Mexican food while I was there.

Irony: All these years later, now I absolutely love it! Honestly, it is my most favorite type of food! I am pretty sure I could eat it every single day! And not only does my hubby now have a wife that loves going out for Mexican food with him, but he has one that hogs all the guacamole!

Boy did I miss out in Mexico! To think that I actually thought a very processed Pizza Hut pizza was good food compared to genuine Mexican food! Ugh! Not to mention my tears…

So, in my great love for Mexican food I made another version of a tostada last night. This time I kept it very simple and super quick…cold black beans covered with chili powder and honey, cherry tomatoes, lots of cilantro, and Monterrey Jack cheese. Delicious!!


Super Quick Black Bean Tostada

*Created by Lori at Creating Beauty in the Kitchen


(You can make this gluten free by using gluten free tortillas)

  • 4 small flour tortillas
  • 1 can black beans
  • cherry tomatoes
  • Shredded Monterrey Jack cheese
  • Honey
  • Chili powder
  • Fresh cilantro


  • Drain and rinse the black beans.
  • In a mixing bowl, sprinkle the amount of chili powder you like, along with some honey and mix thoroughly.
  • Cut the cherry tomatoes in halves.
  • Chop up some fresh cilantro.
  • Put a layer of cheese on the tortillas and toast them in a toaster oven (or broil them in a regular oven).
  • Take them out and put some of the beans on each one, along with the tomatoes, and cilantro. Add more cheese to the top if you want.


21 thoughts on “Super Quick Black Bean Tostada

  1. It does look delish Lori! What a funny story. You know our taste for foods change through the years. I used to love seafood and now I can barely eat it. I can on occasion eat fried shrimp or a very clean, well prepared fried fish …depends on the fish as well. This change happened after I got pregnant with my second child and never went away. I am glad you like it now, and I am sure your husband is as well. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Arl! I didn’t realize they change, but mine sure seems to have! I love so many things that I used to not like! That is so funny that you used to love seafood and now you can barely stand it!


    • LOL about it being a deal breaker! I am sure glad it wasn’t a deal breaker for my hubby! 🙂 Though I know he certainly is grateful that I love Mexican food now….well, except for the part where I hog all the guacamole! 😉


    • I love black beans! I could eat them all day long….hehehe. Well, I am sure glad I love Mexican food now because I was definitely missing out!


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