The Boys’ Room


I never got to show you guys the kid’s finished rooms!

If you remember from previous pictures, originally we had this room set up with one bed….then when we got the call that we were going to have a sibling set that consisted of a girl and two boys, we did some quick changes in the matter of days. We moved these beds in, which a friend from church gave us for free, and I painted and distressed tons more frames so the boys’ wall could be filled with fun things. It was really special to look around and see their room filled with things I created, refinished, painted.


We love all three of our kids so much. It is a hard road. A lonely road. But it is OUR road, and in God’s grace, we continue to put one foot in front of the other, and look excitedly to when the adoptions can be finalized.

Creating Beauty in the Kitchen and Crafting Beauty

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