Liebster Award & Some Wonderful Fellow Bloggers to Check Out!

liebster awardI love the Liebster Award, because it is the very first award on here that I ever received…that was back when I didn’t even know there were awards. Awards in bloggy land?! Though I didn’t know what to think about them at first, these awards have been such an encouragement to me as I continue to grow in creating beauty in the kitchen! And they have been a neat way that I get to bless others as well, as I pass them on. That is always my favorite part!!

A big huge thank you to CRAFTEA HEART for passing this on to me! First of all, don’t you just love the creative name she gave her blog?! I love it! These are the words she uses to explain this wonderful name- ” Lover of craft, tea, and people’s heart (and the physical shape).  The heart shape became a passion because no matter what I was doing—cooking, hiking, photographing, working as a nurse—the heart shapes continued to land in my path.  I think Jesus was dropping me hints to learn to love myself.” She is a passionate woman who has a touching story! Please go visit her site, say hello, and get to know her!

Okay, so a little about the Liebster Award…it is a virtual award to welcome new bloggers to the community who has less than 1000 followers (Or 500 or 250….I have seen it so many different ways. 😀 ). LIEBSTER in german means sweetheart, beloved, darling.

Here are the rules for acceptance…

  1. LINK back to the person who nominated you
  2. SHARE 11 facts about yourself
  3. ANSWER 11 questions set by your nominator
  4. NOMINATE 11 people who you think deserves the Liebster Award
  5. ASK your nominees 11 questions to answer

AFTER YOU PUBLISH your Liebster post, go to your nominees blog and let them know you nominated them.

11 Facts about Myself….can I come up with 11 new facts?! Ummmm…Surely I can, right?! 🙂

  1. I have been spelunking one time in my life and had to crawl through this tight space for a long time (like an hour) called “The Birth Canal.” I remember pulling myself through cold, muddy water, little rocks tearing into me, not being able to move my head up because it would hit the top of the cave wall, my arms feeling so weak. It was quite an experience. I am pretty sure I wouldn’t have made it through without God’s grace and the kind person behind me, rubbing my ankles, comforting me, and singing songs to me.
  2. I have always loved playing football….my brothers taught me how to throw a spiral and catch the ball from a very young age.
  3. Apples to Apples is one of my favorite board games…especially played fast and competitively. 🙂
  4. I greatly disliked dark chocolate until I started cooking four months ago…now it is my chocolate of choice! Yum!
  5. I once licked up a plate full of Tabasco sauce to impress a guy….I don’t know if it really did impress him, but I might add, we are married! 😀 ❤
  6. I have been rock climbing (real for live-not in an indoor place) one time. The hardest part? Seeing spiders on the rocks and being so scared I was going to put my hand on one! Ugh!
  7. I greatly and I mean greatly dislike grape jelly….so does my brother. Yes, there is a story behind this. 😉
  8. I am not really a phone person (more an email, text, or in-person person)….there are only a few people I like to talk on the phone to. I am not totally sure why this is…
  9. I can read and write in Greek and Hebrew….maybe not as well as I used to though 🙂
  10. I love hip hop dance…no, I can’t do it.
  11. I love Downton Abbey!! Love, Love, Love!

The 11 Questions that CraftTeaHeart gave for me to answer

  1. Where would you travel to if you can pick up and go right now? I would travel to Canada to go see my best friend! 🙂 I haven’t seen her in over three years! Here we are in this pic below. This is when I still had braces, shorter hair, and was a little heavier. 🙂 Though I may not like what I look like in this picture :-), I love this picture because it does a great job of showing the special closeness we share. I can tell this woman anything, she listens deeply to me, she encourages me, she challenges me, and she is always here for me even in special little ways. For instance, she knew I was the speaker for a women’s luncheon at our church this weekend, and she called me right beforehand to check on me and see how I was doing. She does things like this all the time! Love you Kristin! Image
  2. Who is your role model and why? My husband. He was my role model 13 years ago when we were just friends, and almost 12 years into marriage he is still my role model. He has taught me so much about God’s love and grace! I love this man!! ❤ Here is one of my recent favorite photos of him, holding our friend’s child. The reason I love it so much is because the way you see him smiling and loving this child, is the way he loves others. He has such a big heart, he serves others well, and is the best listener I know! 🙂  Image
  3. What is your favorite recipe? Well, because I could eat it daily, I am still going to have to say My Dark Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough! 
  4. What recipe or craft would you want to see on my blog? I would be happy to see any type of dessert…hehehe. Decoupage maybe. Do you do that? I have tried it once and it didn’t go well, but I really want to have a go at it again! 
  5. What is a must read/watch book/movie on your list? Pride and Prejudice (the original version with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle) 
  6. Name two things on your bucket list. I honestly don’t have a bucket list. 
  7. What is your favorite font and why? I use fonts a lot in my graphic arts and love them! One of my most favorites is the 2Peas series…                              Image                                                      I think I love them so much because they are so me. They are fun and spunky! 🙂 
  8. List what you have learned so far via blogging. I have definitely learned more about different types of foods…you all have introduced me to so many things I have never heard of before! Some of these things I have already gotten to try and I have just loved them! I have also learned more about cooking and food photography, as I have continued to get in the kitchen and experiment. 
  9. Which category has the most visits on your blog today? Looks like my “Home Page” “Archives” 
  10. Do you collect anything?  If yes, what? One of the things I collect are socks… I particularly like warm, cozy, furry, fun socks! My mom knows this well and many of these have come from her! 🙂 
  11. What is your favorite type of outfit? Tights, boots, tunic top, and a fun pair of earrings….that’s really what I wear most days. 🙂 

Here is who I would like to give this award to:

May this award bring each of you much encouragement!

 The 11 questions for my nominees:

  1. What is your favorite part of the day and why?
  2. How has your blog turned out different than you expected?
  3. Tell us something unique about yourself.
  4. Do you have a favorite t.v. show? What is it?
  5. Use three words to describe yourself.
  6. Who has influenced you the most and why?
  7. What is your favorite thing to do when you want to relax?
  8. What is your least favorite household chore?
  9. What inspires you?
  10. How do you want to be remembered?
  11. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?


44 thoughts on “Liebster Award & Some Wonderful Fellow Bloggers to Check Out!

  1. Congrats Lori:) Thanks a ton for nominating me. Gud to know ur hubby is ur role model:)
    never seen such a font, it looks cool.
    After a long time going to type ans for questions;) thanks for making me do tat.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I laughed really hard at this…I loved it Linda! I thought your comment about the socks/award thing was so funny that I even had to tell it to my hubby.:-) Thanks Linda…both for the congrats and the good laugh!


  2. Many thanks Lori for stopping by my blog. I so like your blog and I am recommending to two friends who are looking for healthy options. I am also getting tips since I have been on a weight loss journey 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are very welcome, and thanks so much for your encouraging words! I’m glad you like it and that you have some friends who it might bless!


  3. Hi Lori, thanks so much for nominating me. I really hope I can get around to doing it soon, I am just so busy at the moment I barely even have time to bake!!
    I loved reading your post though 🙂


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